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The DomusAurea Flirt Ring

DomusAurea Jewelry Box

The DomusAurea Flirt Ring

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Flirt Ring 4.JPG

The DomusAurea Flirt Ring


The DomusAurea flirt ring is a unique offering from DA. DomusAurea will custom make a flirt ring for you from our extensive selection of semiprecious gems. Retail price for this ring is $2,200, DomusAurea member price is $1,540.

Available gemstones varieties include: Peridot, Pink Amethyst, Green Amethyst, Citrine, Lemon Citrine, White Topaz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Topaz, Rubellite, Multi-colored Tourmalines,

Shapes and cuts include: Round, Pear shape, Emerald cut, Asscher cut, Step cut, Kite cut, Cushion, Oval cabochon, Round cabochon, Sugar Loaf, Bullet

Sizes from 3 to 30 carats

Settings include: 14K Yellow or White Gold – Satin or polished finish, 18K Yellow White Gold – Satin or polished finish

Retail prices range from $2,200 - $2,800 depending on stone selection. DA member prices range from $1,540 - $1,960.

Set up an appointment with DomusAurea to design your ring today and start flirting! (Email

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